SwiftUI by Apple | Wrap-up: Layout and Style — Part 2.3

Tony Trejo
3 min readJul 12, 2024


SwiftUI by Apple | Wrap-up: Layout and Style — Part 2.3

🚀 #6.4 Excited to Share Wrap-up: Debugging Views! 🌟

This tutorial covers effective debugging techniques for SwiftUI views, focusing on how to use borders and modifiers to diagnose and fix layout issues.

🔗 Tutorial:

📌 Topic: Wrap-up: Debugging Views

🎨 Tips:

  • Border for Debugging: Adding a border to a view is an excellent debugging tool, as it allows you to see the space a view occupies. This technique can help diagnose many issues in your code.
  • Modifier Order: The order of applying modifiers matters because each modifier produces a new view. Applying a border before or after setting the frame can result in different layouts. Learn more about Configuring Views: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/SwiftUI/Configuring-Views

📝 Subtopics:



Adds a border to this view with the specified style and width. This is particularly useful for debugging as it visually highlights the boundaries of a view, making it easier to understand spacing and alignment issues.

func border<S>(
_ content: S,
width: CGFloat = 1
) -> some View where S : ShapeStyle


  • content: The color or style to use for the border, which conforms to the ShapeStyle protocol.
  • width: The thickness of the border in pixels. The default value is 1.
extension Color: ShapeStyle { }

📚 Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/border(_:width:)


(Deprecated in iOS 13.0–18.0): Layers a secondary view in front of this view. Using overlays can help in debugging by allowing you to stack views and see their interactions in real-time.

func overlay<Overlay>(
_ overlay: Overlay,
alignment: Alignment = .center
) -> some View where Overlay : View


  • overlay: The view to place in front of this view.
  • alignment: How the overlay should be aligned relative to the underlying view. The default value is center.

📚 Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/overlay(_:alignment:)


Layers the views you specify in front of this view. This updated version of overlay(_:alignment:) allows more flexibility and precision in how overlays are applied, aiding in the debugging and design process.

func overlay<V>(
alignment: Alignment = .center,
@ViewBuilder content: () -> V
) -> some View where V : View


  • alignment: How to align the overlay in relation to the base view. The default value is center.
  • content: A closure that returns the views to be layered in front of this view, in the order they are declared.

📚 Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/overlay(alignment:content:)


Rotates a view’s rendered output in two dimensions around the specified point. This modifier is useful for debugging the orientation and alignment of views within a complex layout.

func rotationEffect(
_ angle: Angle,
anchor: UnitPoint = .center
) -> some View


  • angle: The angle to rotate the view, in radians or degrees.
  • anchor: The point within the view to rotate around. The default value is center.

📚 Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/rotationeffect(_:anchor:)


Constrains this view’s dimensions to the aspect ratio of the given size. Applying this modifier can help ensure that views maintain their intended proportions, which is crucial for responsive design and debugging layout issues.

func aspectRatio(
_ aspectRatio: CGSize,
contentMode: ContentMode
) -> some View


  • aspectRatio: The ratio of width to height to use for the view.
  • contentMode: How the view should scale to fit the given aspect ratio, either .fit or .fill.

📚 Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/aspectratio(_:contentmode:)-771ow

🔍 Key Insights:

  • Understanding the impact of modifier order is crucial for debugging and refining your layout. Applying borders and overlays strategically can help identify issues and improve the clarity of your code.
  • Using the rotationEffect and aspectRatio modifiers allows for creative and precise control over how views are presented, enhancing the overall user experience.

Final Thoughts:

Debugging views in SwiftUI involves more than just identifying and fixing errors. It’s about understanding how different modifiers interact and affect the layout. By mastering these techniques, you can create robust, visually appealing, and responsive interfaces. Looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing more insights in future tutorials! 🌟👩‍💻

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